2025 Season starts Thursday, May 1st 2025 Openings & Rates
Join Greg Redfern, an adjunct professor of astronomy and a NASA JPL Solar System Ambassador, for one of our interactive free “2nd Tuesday Star Parties!” A 45-minute presentation will be followed by a look at the heavens (weather permitting).
May 10:
The Sky IS Falling: Space Rocks and You!
Guests will learn about meteorites AND will get to see and touch real samples including from Mars, Chelyabinsk, Russia and the Moon.
June 14:
The Universe and You!
Learn about the fascinating world in which we live, are made from and are part of.
July 12:
This Isn’t Your Grandaddy’s Moon!
Learn the latest about the missions sent to the Moon by NASA, China and India- including manned efforts to return.
As part of the summer solar system program, Greg joins Shenandoah Astronomical Society president, Dottie Edwards, for daytime and evening events. You will get the opportunity to use powerful telescopes to explore the wonders of the night sky. Sun-Wed, July 10-13.
Stay in one of our 14 wonderful, unique cottages with a variety of accommodations within each one.
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