2025 Season starts Thursday, May 1st 2025 Calendar & Rates
Reserve an exclusive use opening in late April and/or early November when you can pick your own favorite meals and activities!
Some of you have already reserved private gatherings at Capon in 2016 for destination weddings, church retreats or corporate or family getaways. Now we are offering a few more options so that others can plan their custom-designed Capon experience!
Exclusive Weeknight Opportunities:
Gather with a group of at least 75 adults and reserve any number of nights:
-between Sunday, April 17, and Friday, April 22
-between Sunday, April 24 and Thursday, April 28
-between Sunday, November 6 and Friday, November 11
Exclusive Weekend Opportunity:
Gather with a group which averages 150 adults for both Friday and Saturday nights to reserve closing weekend:
-Friday, November 11 to Sunday, November 13
BONUS: Reserve OR find a group by April 1st for any of the above dates and receive a FREE TWO NIGHT STAY FOR TWO ADULTS anytime in 2016!
Stay in one of our 14 wonderful, unique cottages with a variety of accommodations within each one.
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