2025 Season starts Thursday, May 1st 2025 Calendar & Rates
Listservs allow community members to exchange information about where the best inside information is on anything you might need for daily living, including vacations. While these tools work wherever you are, for those who live in the DC area, you can find your Listservs here and your Nextdoor app here! Let us know once you post, so we can follow the neighbor to neighbor trail. Remember to share your Capon experience a couple of times a year, so that folks who could use a Capon stay are reminded that we are here.
Here is a recent example from a Capon regular who posted a message on several Listservs and yahoo groups. His one time message led immediately to 3 reservations:
“PSA: If you are looking for a fall weekend getaway, check out Capon Springs and Farms (www.caponsprings.net). My family goes every summer for a week and we can’t say enough about this place which is very dear to us. It is quaint & rustic, and (a) the people are wonderful (both hosts and guests), (b) there are many, many activities (or you can lounge around and do absolutely nothing), and (c) they feed you 3x a day and the home-cooked food is out of this world. Fall is stunning at Capon; it is 1 hour & 45 minutes door to door from Tenleytown”.
— Submitted by: Mark A. Rasevic
Stay in one of our 14 wonderful, unique cottages with a variety of accommodations within each one.
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