2025 Season starts Thursday, May 1st 2025 Calendar & Rates
To all the folks at Capon:
Our group had a wonderful time recently at Capon Springs. Many thanks for doing a great job as always! One interesting thing about this remarkable gathering is how many different states they represented: California, Washington, Minnesota, Ohio, Maryland, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia and West Virginia!
One person from our group posted on her Facebook page –
“For the past three days, women (and one little cutie patootie) from around the country gathered at a little piece of heaven in Hampshire County WV to renew old …friendships and celebrate new ones. Each of us has been intricately woven into the life quilt of our beloved Betty. It is a group of amazing, smart, beautiful, wise, empowered, inspiring women. Our Capon Springs retreat has no agenda, we hiked, enjoyed the spa, put together puzzles, played a little Bingo, enjoyed a hand facial, drank some wine but mostly just enjoyed each other. My circle is bigger today than it was and for that I am extremely thankful. Thank you, Betty, for choosing me to be one of your many daughters. I am truly blessed!” Jennifer Ours Williams
Thank you Capon Springs for providing unique environment to make this possible!
Stay in one of our 14 wonderful, unique cottages with a variety of accommodations within each one.
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