2025 Season starts Thursday, May 1st 2025 Calendar & Rates
Like most folks, Dave & Karen Nag’s introduction to Capon came by word of mouth. As a professor at Gallaudet University in Washington DC, Karen asked her students to do a presentation about their favorite places. One person shared her experiences coming to Capon with a photo of her in from of the Pavilion. “It was the smile on her face that convinced me Capon was a special place, ” recalls Karen. So she did a bit of research and decided to bring her husband and two young children last April. When the weather dampened their plans for a southern VA trip in September, they decided at the last minute to bring Dave’s mom, Dr. Shubhra Nag, to join them at Capon for a quick overnight.
Upon check in, Dr. Nag commented about how much Capon reminded her of place she read about in a book she found while on a spiritual retreat in Atlanta, GA a few years ago. After discovering the book in the retreat center’s library, she searched online and purchased her own copy. However, she could not find any reference to the location of the resort mentioned in the book. As she went into detail about the concept of the writings, it didn’t take long for family member Eddie Brill to realize she was talking about Capon founder Lou Austin’s book “You Are Greater Than You Know”. That’s when Dr. Nag realized she was standing in the very place she had been searching for! “Lou Austin had an amazing insight that was so simple that most people miss it. And his children’s book explains the Partnership concept in a way that my own grand kids can understand”, explained Dr. Nag. She should know a thing or two about deep thoughts. Dr. Nag holds a doctorate in philosophy and teaches at Georgia Perimeter College.
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