2025 Season starts Thursday, May 1st 2025 Calendar & Rates
Dear Capon Friends,
To us, Capon Springs is more than a resort in the mountains. It is a place of countless memories, family gatherings, and a home away from home. Perhaps you feel the same. With the COVID-19 crisis causing so much difficulty in so many industries, we are so thankful that Capon is now open and welcoming guests during its 88th year. They have pledged that they will be here for us in 2021, and we believe that they will.
Still, like the rest of the hospitality industry, this pandemic is a real challenge for Capon. In the conversations that some on the Guest Council have had with other guests, many of you have asked about how you can help Capon through this difficult time. In fact, we know some guests have already made unsolicited gifts. We are now happy to announce that with the approval of the management and board, a group of us have created the Capon Springs COVID-19 Sustainability Fund.
Today we ask you to join us in making a gift to this Fund, helping to ensure that Capon’s operations, facilities and grounds remain robust this year and into the years ahead.
You can make a one-click gift at this web page that we have set up specifically for this purpose. All proceeds go directly to Capon Springs. There is a small processing fee and you have the option to donate that fee as well. Other gift options are to mail a check to Capon Springs, or call the office to make a gift over the phone. It is important to note that Capon is not a charity and gifts are not tax deductible.
Capon Springs has been a beloved family retreat for 88 years. Its beauty serves as the backdrop of countless family photo albums. Its spirit serves as the tapestry for so many of our family memories. It is a part of us all.
Please consider making a gift today. A gift of any amount will be a tremendous help during this crisis.
Thank you,
Members of the Capon Springs Guest Council
Liz Fuller
Bill Graeff
Marianne Greene
Ken Gude
Amanda Hall
Jeff Lobl
Charlotte Masters
Isobel Meekins
Gail Oliver
Andrew Recinos
Matthew Severns
Jason Spencer
Mike Stover
Mike Trasatti
Caroline Walters
You can call Capon Springs to make a donation: 304-874-3695
Or, send a check to Capon Springs (ref: “COVID sustainability fund” in the comment):
3818 Capon Springs Rd.
High View, WV 26808
Stay in one of our 14 wonderful, unique cottages with a variety of accommodations within each one.
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