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Thanks to the great efforts of long time Capon guests, co-workers and community (as well as newly connected FB fans) Capon’s golf course at sunset is now officially the Facebook cover image of West Virginia U.S. Senator Joe Manchin III. With over 300 likes and 125 comments, Capon easily out-distanced its next closest rivals (by well over 100 votes) as well as over 50 other participants.
Even though Capon was late getting into the game, it quickly caught the early leaders and then kept increasing its margin of victory in the final days of the month-long contest. This inspiring Capon image will represent the awesome natural beauty of our entire Wild and Wonderful state to all of Sen. Manchin’s contacts in Washington, DC and beyond.
The photo itself was taken by Capon guest Julie Schmidt, who comes several times a year with her company retreat, American Woodmark based in Winchester, VA. Julie is a big time Capon fan and photographer, using a drone to take the elevated view of one of the most picturesque spots at Capon- Sunset Lodge on the Hill.
This same image was featured in the annual publication Discover WV where Capon is one of the West Virginia resorts highlighted that allows business travelers to recharge.
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