2025 Season starts Thursday, May 1st 2025 Calendar & Rates
Today, July 9, 2021, is the 89th anniversary of Capon’s founding. On this day in 1932, Lou Austin (pictured with his wife, Virginia Austin) stood at an auction at the Court House in Romney, WV and bought the Capon spring and the abandoned resort property. He couldn’t have imagined on that day what the next 89 years would bring and the special place that Capon would become. In his writings, he wrote his vision for Capon as a place where, “hosts, guests, co-workers, and community get along together in happiness and with benefit to all.”
This offseason, the Austin family, Board, coworkers and the Guest Council worked together to update Capon’s mission, vision and values. We thought today would be a good day to share them with you. It was a very helpful process to put down in writing what Capon has stood for for these 89 years, and each day that goes by we work to more fully carry out and live these statements and values.
Mission Statement:
“We will be a home away from home where guests are family. We will cherish traditions and simple comforts and foster guests’ relationships with family, friends and nature.”
Vision Statement:
“Capon will be the best home away from home experience for our guests. We will preserve our unique spirit and be a place that brings out the best in everyone–guests, coworkers, and Austin family–while creating lifelong memories and relationships for generations to come.”
Core Values:
Our 89th season is rolling right along and it has been so wonderful to be together with so many of our old friends that we missed seeing in 2020. It has also been great to meet new folks who are experiencing Capon for the first time. We feel especially fortunate to be the gathering place for many friends and family who have not seen each other in months or even years! We’ve witnessed the joy of many “first hugs” between reuniting loved ones. We’ve also heard from so many of you how great it feels to be out and about traveling again. It’s a very unique time and we’re glad to be sharing it with you!
~The Capon Family
Stay in one of our 14 wonderful, unique cottages with a variety of accommodations within each one.
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