2025 Season starts Thursday, May 1st 2025 Calendar & Rates
Past guests who have visited Capon’s Hygeia Bath House & Spa recognized the “new” face at the front desk in 2017. In 2018, Courtney is continuing her reservation “apprenticeship” with 40+ year Capon veteran Tom Austin. During this off-season, she is the primary person answering the phone, so make sure you say hi and introduce yourself. Here is some inside scoop on this next generation Capon leader:
Tom’s Introduction:
I’m pleased to introduce Courtney Brill to those of you that have not had the pleasure of meeting her on one of your visits to Capon. About nine months ago, Courtney decided that she liked the idea of succeeding me in the reservation area of the business. Since then, we have been working together to make this all happen, hopefully in about a year from now.
If you read Courtney’s bio, you will learn that she comes from “good stock”. Her grandfather, John Brill was one of the most admired men that I’ve had the opportunity to associate with. And literally dozens of her relatives have spent their entire lives helping to make Capon the haven that it now is.
What do I like about Courtney? She has gone about her work with the understanding that she will not only be in charge of this area in the near future, but that she anticipates being a success at it. She’s friendly and agreeable and thoughtful and hardworking. So she’s on her way! Please make a point of getting to know her on your next visit. Now there’s no guarantee that she will be doing this job for the next 40 years, but don’t count her out!
Courtney’s Background:
A true West Virginia native, I was raised in Hampshire County. My roots run deep, as my family has lived in the “Capon Springs Hollow” for generations. Almost every member of my family has worked here at some point in their life, all the way back to my Great Grandmother! Many guests still remember my Granddad, John Brill, who worked at Capon for his entire career. I hadn’t planned on making Capon Springs and Farms my permanent place of employment, but the “stars aligned” and I believe I am supposed to be here. I started working at Capon in 2006 and have only missed one season. After graduating from Hampshire High School I attended Shepherd University and graduated in 2013 with my Bachelor’s Degree in Small Business Management. I currently reside in Wardensville, WV with my fiancé Mark.
What do you love most about Capon?
The sense of family amongst my coworkers (and in my case, that’s figuratively and literally!) I couldn’t ask for a better group of people to work with everyday. Everyone truly cares about Capon, and that makes going to work worthwhile!
What motivates/inspires you?
Favorite spot at Capon?
Hands down, the back porch swing at the spa. Sunset lodge is pretty great too.
Fun Facts:
Stay in one of our 14 wonderful, unique cottages with a variety of accommodations within each one.
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