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In our ongoing series of introducing our senior leaders, this month we feature Ronnie LaFollette: Maintenance Manager. Ronnie comes from generations of family in the Capon Springs community that have worked at Capon. Both his parents, wife and his daughters at some point worked here.
I started working at Capon washing dishes in 1979. I left for a little while but returned in 1999 to help at the farm and to begin my duties in maintenance. I became full time in the maintenance department in 2005 and was promoted to manager in 2018.
What do you love most about Capon?
That’s easy, the history. Seeing the inside and behind the scenes of all the buildings gives you an appreciation for how long this place has been here and how important that is to who we are today.
What motivates/ inspires you?
Since losing my wife a few years ago, my two daughters and my grandchildren provide me with great inspiration and motivation.
Favorite spot on all of Capon Springs
That’s a hard one. All of Capon is special to me so I don’t honestly have a favorite.
Fun facts people might not know about you
1. In my free time, I like to hunt and fish.
2. I’m fascinated by anything old, like coins, guns and bottles
3. I just like coming to work at Capon every day. It is part of who I am.
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