2025 Season starts Thursday, May 1st 2025 Openings & Rates
As you know, each summer we have a batch of new Capon piglets at Hog Heaven. This year, farmer Sam Brill kept a papa and two mama hogs over the winter. Each sow produced an equal number of just under a dozen piglets about two weeks apart. And as is tradition, we asked our Capon guests for their ideas of naming the newest residents. Entries had to be 5 letters or less to fit on the ear tags to identify each pig. Combined with excellent suggestions from last year, we received over 5 dozen ideas for this year’s crop.
The first litter was tagged and here are the 11 piglet names that made the first cut:
Brynn, Carla, Emma, Fran, Hank, Joey, Merle, Olive, Plum, Riley & Suzie
Look for the next batch to receive their proper identification in a few weeks.
Have you met our Capon cuties this summer? #CaponCuties #SummersAtCapon #TheMagicOfCapon
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